About Fuller By Design…



Fuller by design is an online resource and community for creative family living.  We help families grow together through topics, ideas, strategies, projects and sometimes just deep thoughts that support independent, creative thinking while nurturing the family bond. Life today can be hard – it’s fast-paced, technology-driven and you probably often feel like you’re swimming against the mainstream as you make your way day to day, week to week, month to month. Although your family is of course your own, sometimes it feels anything but. You may not feel grounded by your daily tasks and time spent together. If you want to craft and shape your family experience in ways that more fully resonate with what’s important to you – a more thoughtful, intentional, original and handcrafted life for yourself and those around you, join the conversation by signing up below with just your email address – it’s free, and this community is chock full of ideas and inspiration ready to support your quest for a fuller life, all by design of course.  

About Susan Fuller

With a degree and professional background in Instructional Design and a passion for all things handmade, Susan Fuller brings the two together with fuller by design. She has homeschooled her three teenagers since birth and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. Each year, semester, even month of homeschooling is a new adventure, balancing academics with creative pursuits and family fun (let’s not count how many times the fun wins out over schooling, deal?). Susan is an avid modern quilter, often found semi-buried under a stash of fabric, pins and needles. When not sewing or creating, she teaches fitness classes and pursues an even greater act of strength – pregnancy and childbirth as a gestational surrogate, carrying babies for couples who can’t carry for themselves.  She recently delivered her ninth surrogate baby, which is her twelfth child overall.

