There are few things I love more than talking about birth, which shouldn’t surprise anyone in the least if you’ve been around my blog for any length of time. So when I found the Birthful podcast, I couldn’t get enough of it – there are so many great guests and stories and the host, Adriana Lozado is just lovely.
Imagine my excitement then when I had the chance to speak with Adriana herself as a guest on the Birthful podcast! We had an-depth conversation about – as you can imagine - all things birth. Given that my own birth history includes:
12 children
11 births
9 vaginal births
5 vbacs
5 unmedicated births
4 inductions
4 epidural births
3 water births
2 sets of twins
2 c-sections
2 homebirths
2 miscarriages
1 stillbirth
Clearly we had a lot to talk about!
Not only do we talk about my experience giving birth to my own children, we get into how and why birth as a surrogate mother is just different by nature, and why I made some of the decisions I did specifically because I was a carrying someone else’s child.
It’s an episode full of information and if you haven’t heard the podcast before, you won’t be disappointed (and fair warning, if you enjoy birth-related chat, you might get hooked!).
You can find the episode on the Birthful website along with all of the previous, equally fascinating episodes. And thanks so much to Adriana Lozada for having me!